Our Vision

We match University of California world-leading research and technology with student and alumni talent to create a healthier, greener, and more sustainable world.

How It Works


We actively search for UC-affiliated startup teams that share this vision.


We support them financially and with the powerful backing of the UC ecosystem and alumni community.


Financial success is a byproduct — not the main driver — as we change the world together, one startup at a time.

It is time to change the game.


The California Innovation Fund is a new type of shared carry private/public Venture Capital Fund that will provide 50% of the GP carry to the University of California so the success of our startups benefits public education. The financial infusion nourishes the next generation of student changemakers regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds. This virtuous VC cycle positively powers the current and future University of California innovation ecosystem.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We are not only committed to supporting diversity through words, but through actions. Venture Capital sadly remains one of the least diverse industries to date. The California Innovation Fund encourages and embraces diverse backgrounds, nationalities, gender, and perspectives among our limited partners, management team, startup founders, and their employees.


Our Values


  • Seeing the bigger picture and working towards a vision that benefits not just yourself

  • Striving for outstanding performance in order to tackle the toughest challenges yet remaining humble

  • Building on the great work of others while questioning and overcoming outdated practices and norms

  • Being curious and seeking new knowledge in the face of a changing world

  • Feeling free to express ideas and thoughts as well as listening and being open to different opinions

  • Seeking commonalities in relationships yet respecting and valuing different perspectives